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Editorial Team

International Women’s Day 2022

International Women’s Day 2022 (IWD) is a global event that’s been taking place for over a century, celebrating women around the world for their social, economic, cultural and political achievements. It happens every year on March 8 and involves performances, talks, marches, networking events and much more.

Cannon Pass SP206 Re-Audit With Flying Colours

We are delighted to announce that we have passed our SP206 re-audit this week with zero observations! We were awarded the BAFE (British Approvals for Fire Equipment) scheme certificate for kitchen fire suppression systems last Spring 2021.

Fire Safety Act 2021

The Fire Safety Bill was introduced by the Home Office to improve the fire safety in buildings across England and Wales. And in April 2021 it received Royal Accent, putting it on the path to becoming law.